Tuesday 4 November 2008

the human trail

I still remember those school days, where each desk in the classroom will have marks made by carvings on the inside of the desks. Some of these carvings bear past students whom used the desks or some have been carved with friends names and comic symbols. When I think about it, it is a clear sign that as human beings we have an instinct of leaving a trail somewhere along our short live.

school desks

Making such markings are not the only way of leaving behind trails by human, there are more ways like documenting ones life through diary(now its blog) and even constructing a monument. Whether its intended for those in the future to see what they have done or just for mere pleasure, this instinctive behavior is definitely building the human trail. We can say it as history but it is also a journey, because eventually what has started will end.

moving house

Actually I'm not going to go into human history in details, but what I really am interested in looking closely at is the evolution of human built spaces. Are the built spaces of human beings has evolved from a single home into a metropolitan? Because nowadays people always like to use the word 'hometown'. What is 'home' to us? Why do we need a 'home'? Does a 'home' should be in certain forms or does it have to accommodate certain functions?

Can we call everything in the built environment as a home?


affendik? said...

seems like i'm the first one to comment..yeay!hehe..
for me all homes are houses (and it can take many forms i.e. cardboxes, park benches,bridge unders, etc) but not all houses are homes..
i can buy a house, but i can't (literally) buy a home...
a home needs to be built by your OWN hands, cemented with your OWN feelings, roofed by your OWN love, plastered by your OWN affection...it should be your OWN..it's a unified entity with your OWN self.
and that is why they say "rumahku syurgaku" and not "rumahku hutangku" or anythin..hehe

Unknown said...

Home is where the heart is!

Cliche, I know. But its true!

pemuda Mersey said...

affendik :

thanks for giving the 1st, its an honor. :)

versedanggerik :


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